Thursday, September 16, 2010

I moved

Find me at Uncensored Dreams

Beaches and Idiots

I am at the beach. There are several female models there.  They have all been paired with swimsuit models from a previous generation.  I do not have anyone to mentor me.  Once the mentor models have left, the girls are wondering how much posing instruction they should be taking from their mentors.  We are all in the surf and feeling the waves hit us.  One girl wonders if we are allowed out of the water to pose.  She wants to call her mentor model and go over poses because she only reviewed the one pose with her.  One of the other models tells her she should be able to do it and that she herself is ready.  I pipe up and say "Girl, I don't even have a mentor but I'm ready with a hundred different poses in and out of the water.  You gotta come prepared."

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Fashionistas and Subway trains

This dream made no sense at all so it was hard to recall.  There were several scenes that preceded this one with ramps and drizzling rain and leafless trees blowing in the wind but those parts I can't recall.  What I do recall is that Steupz from was there. Seeing as I have never met him I did not get a good look at him in the dream.  I remember seeing him as though he was on the downtown subway platform across the tracks from the uptown tracks where I was. He had come with a crew of his people.  He was styled very nicely.  His crew of models or fashion people were well dressed too.  I recall thinking "I can tell he styled himself and his friends are wearing his clothes too." I guess I thought of him as a fashion designer.  It was men's wear, very cool.  Dark denims, leather and synthetics, thin silver chain accessories and accent scarves at the waist provided a needful color.  The overall effect was very current and moved as they milled around.  There was something particular to the cut and the details that made it rather a fashionable set of looks but I was a distance way and could not make it out.  
     He and his crew were there across on the other platform but with me on my platform were other people waiting for my dreams.  They were there to take my thoughts away in all different directions.  It was like they had showed up to help cart away my random distractions.  We were all just waiting there for the thoughts to come flooding in like a subway train.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Staircases and Tables

     I am running up a giant staircase in an old and empty house.  I guess it is more a mansion.  I am not familiar with this staircase because I usually take the stone ones.  I check plaques like I am at a museum.  I am racing against the clock so I can find a tv and set the DVR to record my show.  I finally get to a floor where there is a nice big tv.  I turn it on and set up the recording.  I hear from above me, "Well your punishment is going to be worse now."  I guess I've been caught.  I am conscious of the cook a few floors down in a different wing of the house.  It is the master of the house calling to me from upstairs.  I guess he didn't like me turning his tv on.  
     I climb the stairs and I hear my friends with him.  I climb the last gloomy stair well.  It looks somehow most Victorian of all.  The carpet is dusty and moldy.  The floors and walls seem extra dark and empty.  It looks sort of like Dracula's castle.  Halfway up the stairs I look and see my friends being forced to sleep on the floor.  They are bound to the attic floor by some kind of electricity.  I can see it like as in a cartoon.  The "rope" arcs all around them and binds them down. They look panicked but they seem more afraid for me than for themselves.  They aren't my friends at all, they are just the cast of Real World: Back to New Orleans.  Anyway I look and the master of the house is standing over them and looking down at me.  It is Meredith Baxter!  She motions for me.  I get angry and reach for the nearest thing I can use as a weapon.  I grab the stairrail.  I grip it with both arms and tear at it to get it loose from the stair and I guess I was extra pissed because the entire staircase breaks apart in front of me.  I can no longer reach the attic floor.  
     Meredith Baxter reaches down to me with a trombone.  I guess she was planning on playing annoying music at me, I couldn't say.  I grab the trombone by the slide and yank it out to use as a weapon against her.  She's disappointed.  But she then pulls out a table.  Not like a table made of wood but more like a print out from MS Excel. She hands it to me and I look at it and realize the bitch didn't even format it right.  That angers me most of all.  The labels on the table I can read just fine but some of the contents are just pound signs (#####) like when the column is too narrow to display the contents of the cell.  I hold up the sheet of paper to her to show her that I can't even read this thing.  As she leans down I use the trombone slide with my other hand and gouge into one of her eyes. It goes into the eye socket fairly easily.  So easily I just keep pushing and twisting the brass into her face.

Hair cuts and Sisters

I just remember standing in front of a large window at night looking at my reflection.  My sister is there and she says the way my hair is cut is all wrong.  I was loving my hair but I guess she has a better vantage point.  So I run my fingers through my hair and shake it out.  It is how I asked for it to be done, short underneath but with long cascading straight hair past my shoulder blades.  It is also honey blonde and brown underneath.  My sister takes her scissors and starts to texturize the ends which were cut ruler straight.  She adds dimension to my hair.  I tell her to make sure she doesn't add to much volume.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Friday Archives: The birds and the bees

I had this dream where my boyfriend and I are looking to photograph some birds hatching.  This guy says he is videotaping some of his birds hatching and we could take pictures if we like.  So we go into the room to take photos.  There are two nests and two adults birds.  They are big like condors or maybe they should be called vultures.  We look into the nests and the birds are already hatched.  There are two chicks in each nest.  We are sort of disappointed.  My boyfriend was more excited about taking the pictures so I was disappointed for him.  Anyway, I notice that the birds don't look quite right and realize that the chicks have the heads of bees.  Black bee heads like a giant honey bee head attached to a chick's body.  They're gross and weird and scary.  I guess I was examining them too close because one of the adult birds starts to approach me.  I back away and grab a chair.  I hold the chair up in front of me to keep the bird at a distance.  It starts to push against the chair.  And I start to sort of panic but I don't dare look away.  I start yelling for my boyfriend to help me and then I wake up.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Monsters and Girls

     We are in the woods.  There are several of us guys outside the car and four girls sitting in the back seat of this big jeep.  I don't know how they fit in there.  We are waiting for some monster to reveal itself.  One of the girls starts screaming.  I look and there is this stuff falling out of the trees above them.  I get closer and see that it is maggots and rotting flesh.  The girls scramble out of the car.  A few of us guys get to pushing the car out of the way. I look behind me and there is the giant monster.  It has huge boxing gloves on.  We push the jeep out of range as much as possible because the monster seems to be getting ready to fire his gloves at us.  We push it and I get my hand on the steering wheel and maneuver the car out of range.  I look behind us as he fires his monster sized gloves at us.  They fly right above the car and land in the rocky hills ahead.  I tell the guys that we should go after the gloves.  
     We leave the truck on top of a hill and go searching for the gloves. One guy finds a glove and I find the other.  I start to tear it apart. No one will help me tear the gloves apart.  Then I realize Jake is missing.  We call out to him but the last time I saw him he went running for the gloves over the hill.  I tell everyone he probably ran off.  I know he is easily scared because one time when it looked like we might get arrested he was ready to put all the blame on me and run away.  The other guys seem to know what I'm talking about.  We look over to where the monster was. The girls seem to be out of hiding.  They are actually paying our tab at the restaurant.  The hostess tries to seat us but I tell her we're with them.  The ladies just talk about how one of the customers has a nice sweater and how nice it would've been if they'd brought their own.  I want to ask about the monster but they don't seem to remember it at all.