I had this dream where my boyfriend and I are looking to photograph some birds hatching. This guy says he is videotaping some of his birds hatching and we could take pictures if we like. So we go into the room to take photos. There are two nests and two adults birds. They are big like condors or maybe they should be called vultures. We look into the nests and the birds are already hatched. There are two chicks in each nest. We are sort of disappointed. My boyfriend was more excited about taking the pictures so I was disappointed for him. Anyway, I notice that the birds don't look quite right and realize that the chicks have the heads of bees. Black bee heads like a giant honey bee head attached to a chick's body. They're gross and weird and scary. I guess I was examining them too close because one of the adult birds starts to approach me. I back away and grab a chair. I hold the chair up in front of me to keep the bird at a distance. It starts to push against the chair. And I start to sort of panic but I don't dare look away. I start yelling for my boyfriend to help me and then I wake up.
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