Squirrel-coons and near incest.
There was a storm last night. One of the four giant three story metal lanterns that hang from the four beech trees in the yard has fallen during the night. Its metal frame is hanging in the branches of one of the other beech trees. The forest creatures are going crazy. I see them running around in a panic. They are talking about getting everyone to a temporary shelter. Yes, apparently I can understand the animals. The lantern that fell was home to these little raccoon/squirrel looking clan of animals. They are very light and fluffy looking and much smaller than raccoons. They turn to their leader for advice. He is the blue one with the extra long ears. The other forest residents are asking him what they can do. He says that many lives were lost in the night but they must press on. They gather in the yard and talk. I feel terrible and go inside to see what's going to be done.
Inside it seems my mother is going to call someone to remove the lantern from the branches of the beech tree. I figure that is a good start. I am hanging out in the back room. I am suddenly very exhausted and lie down on the bed next to this guy. He's my step brother and he is not at all like me. We have these weekly family meetings where we're essentially forced to listen to bull shit. I tune it out so all I remember is how hot my step brother is. He has jet black hair parted in the middle running down to nearly his shoulders. His skin is tanned not from the tanning bed but more like he's at least part Hispanic. He is sort of muscular, more from being athletic than working out. Right now he is face down on the bed without a shirt on in nothing but his tight blue jeans. I roll over on the bed and our skin touches. Soon enough we're making out and I notice the top button of his jeans are undone. He asks me what I want from the meetings but all I can think about is how I can maneuver my lips around his cock so I say, "To get sweaty." He grins and says that's not what we meant. As I am admiring his abs I see from the corner of my eye that there is a woman half asleep on the other side of the slightly open door. It is Mamacita from Real Chance of Love 2. She is lying on a cot with her long black hair. I whisper to my step brother that Mamacita is right there. We both know that she has a big mouth and with my step brother being "straight" and all we stop making out. It sort of bothers me that he's not out but it's also sort of hot that I'm the only guy he's been with. We talk about what will be done for the squirrel-coons out back. He says nothing. I guess because they can't talk to animals the way I can the rest of my family just does not care about their fate the way I do. I get up and look for my clothes. I contemplate looking for my phone so I can tell my real life boyfriend that I kissed a guy while playing a character in dream but then I can't find my phone.
I leave the room and go to look for my shoes. I realize that all my shoes and change of clothes are in my car in the front yard. One of my nephews wants to know if I am going to go sit for my party soon. He is excited and has made a place specifically for me. He says that the bagel candies are very good and I see one on my place setting. He is very excited but I tell him that I can't stay. Everyone seems to be too busy with party plans to worry about the catastrophe outside. I find some sandals and borrow those. I am determined to go to home depot or somewhere where I can buy a large enough doll house or playhouse that can house the squirrel-coons. I don't care if I have to pay $4,000 I would do it for them. So I leave the house. It looks like an ice storm out there. There is flooding in the driveway and ice everywhere. I look at the neighbor's fence and see a pair of mens shoes sticking out from underneath. It looks like a dead body at first but then I realize it is just a pile of black men's dress shoes. I go to my car and see my brother getting things out of the back seat while a limo tries to get around him. I tell him to get out of the way so the limo can pass. He tries instead to just stretch over it because it happens to be a tiny version of a limo. I look and I see a small one person vehicle that looks like a small version of the front half of a car. It is driving on a particularly badly iced and flooded section of the driveway and not getting enough traction. I go over and help by moving the little half car out of the icy patch with just my hands. The driver is an architect. His partner comes over to thank me. He's been to my mother's house before to help her figure out how to fix it up. I can hardly hear him though over the noise. I don't even know where the noise is coming from. But we walk a little to get away from the sounds and he tells me that he was disappointed not to be able to fix my mother's place up. He says he told his partner about the house and he was devastated by how out of date it is. I told him that my mother is a retired teacher and that there is no way she can afford a major renovation right now. He pulls me aside and says "I'll show you a teacher's house there's one over there." He points to a playground where I assume he is referring to the children playing teacher. I'm confused.
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